
Tulisan ini adalah tulisan rekan kampus saya. Seorang wanita / mahasiswi yang ceria dan penuh semangat. Aktifitasnya selain menyelesaikan akhir kuliah di-Fakultas Psikologi, ia juga seorang penari diberbagai event baik lokal ataupun Nasional. Dari sisi powerfull itu, ia masih mempunyai/memiliki berbagai talenta seperti menyukai tulisan yang akan diposting dibawah ini. Catatannya ini sebuah bentuk karya yang dikeluarkan oleh pikiran dan imajinasi-nya... Tiada salah bila kita menjenguk tulisan seorang mahasiswi/penari hebat ini...

NASA with Love...
When… I first met you, hear u… I just thought... You would be another person coming into my life, Then eventually leaving... But, as our time together moved on, I realized, You were different, you were special... You treated me so good, you made me feel, Like such a good person... Every single moment with you, I’d realize how much I love you... I never want to leave you, I never will, and nothing could ever change that...
Before you came into my life, I had nothing... But now that you have stepped into my life, I have everything... You are my first, one and only, I swear will never cry or be scared again, Because… you have wiped away my tears, and helped me get over my fears... You’ve made me feel wanted; you’ve made me feel special... I promise you, I will never let you go, I promise you, I will love you with all my heart and soul...
I didn’t know what trust was, before we met... I didn’t know I could feel like this, before we met... I find myself missing the times, we never had before we met... I don t know how I ever lived without knowing you... And I’m happy I do. I’m happy I have you...
I don’t know how you do it, But you do it every day, You make me love you more and more, With every passing day... It’s not the way you hold me, Or listen when I talk... It’s not the way you look at me, Or hold my hand when we walk... It’s not the way you make love to me, Or kiss me the way you do... It’s everything you do for me, I love you ‘cause you’re you...
You’re there for me? when I’m lost... You’re there for me? at every cost... You’re there for me? through snow and rain... You’re there for me? when I’m in pain... You’re there for me? to heal my cut... You’re there for me no matter what, You’re there for me like an angel from above, To watch over me and teach me how to love...
Best Reggard...

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"Black-Pearl From The East"
Seperti halnya "about me" di profil, maka blog ini sebuah ekspresi dalam mengumpulkan perjalanan dari lingkungan sosial saya. Bapak, Ibu, Wali, Kakak, Adik, Teman, Rekan dan Saudara semua- mencoba untuk berinteraksi ekspresi dalam berbagai hal, baik tulisan, foto maupun video yang ditampil-kan. Karna ketidakmampuan itu, sekitar adalah guru bagi diri ini... Sekalian numpang Ngeksis didunia-nya si maya... Love, Peace, Justice...
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