Adam Sandler Biography & "Grow old with you" Lyric

I'll Try make Google Translate... And this is the result : from google tr. Lolz... Bad English... hahaha

Indonesian to English translation
Women who did not know where this one guy. An actor who always plays the scene funny, romantic, sad to coalesce in his acting. He has talent is an actor, comedian, musician until also wrote the script. He married Jacqueline Samantha Titone Sandler, or being called Jackie. Although previously been rumored relationship with businessman cosmetic Margaret Ruden (1989) until Alicia Silverstone (1996). And Anyway, Talent father of Sadi Madison Sandler is very talented, look of the film in the starring Billy Madison (1995), then the success of films such as Happy Gilmore (1996), THE WEDDING SINGER (1998), THE WATERBOY (1998), Anger Management (2003), 50 First Dates (2004), Spanglish (2004) and CLICK (2006). And we have learned that in the film comedy Peranya Going OVERBOARD (1989) assessed the door of his success.

One of the songs and the writers like is Grow old with you. Here is the lyrics ... Greeting

Adam Sandler - "Grow old with you"
I Want to make you smile Whenever youre sad
Pls Carry you around your arthritis is bad
All I Want to do is grow old with you
Ill get your medicine your tummy aches Pls
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Could it be oh so nice, growing old with you
I'm miss you
Ill kiss you
Pls Give you my coat you are cold
Ill need you
Ill feed you
Even let ya hold the remote control
So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed if youve Had too much to drink
I Could be The man who grows old with you
I want to grow old with you

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