ColdPlay - "The Hardest Part" lyrick

Banyak orang yang menyukai band yang beraliran pop ini, dengan ciri khas vokalisnya, membuat saya dan banyak orang terhidur dengan olahan suara sang vokalis. Dibawah ini adalah lirik lagu dari coldplay berjudul the hardest part. Salam...
ColdPlay - "The Hardest Part"
And the hardest part... Was letting go, not taking part... Was the hardest part... And the strangest thing... Was waiting for that bell to ring... It was the strangest start... I could feel it go down... Bittersweet, I could taste in my mouth... Silver lining the cloud
Oh and I ... I wish that I could work it out...

And the hardest part... Was letting go, not taking part
You really broke my heart... And I tried to sing... But I couldn’t think of anything... And that was the hardest part... I could feel it go down... You left the sweetest taste in my mouth... You're a silver lining the clouds...
Oh and I... Oh and I
I wonder what it’s all about... I wonder what it’s all about... Everything I know is wrong... Everything I do, it's just comes undone... And everything is torn apart... Oh and it’s the hardest part... That’s the hardest part... Yeah that’s the hardest part... That’s the hardest part...

King of The King Picts :

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"Black-Pearl From The East"
Seperti halnya "about me" di profil, maka blog ini sebuah ekspresi dalam mengumpulkan perjalanan dari lingkungan sosial saya. Bapak, Ibu, Wali, Kakak, Adik, Teman, Rekan dan Saudara semua- mencoba untuk berinteraksi ekspresi dalam berbagai hal, baik tulisan, foto maupun video yang ditampil-kan. Karna ketidakmampuan itu, sekitar adalah guru bagi diri ini... Sekalian numpang Ngeksis didunia-nya si maya... Love, Peace, Justice...
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