Freeport BACKGROUND "For those of you who have not know Freeport"

It's news coming in my inbox, sent by Arki-Papua (I give his facebook link). Actually, this paper has circulated also in online forums, but you and me can give information to our knowledge with each other ... Greeting

Freeport BACKGROUND "For those of you who have not know Freeport"
Here's a special report written by the Chairman of the KPK-N (Rescue Committee for State Property), Marwan Coal. This special report he presented in a book entitled 'Sue Natural Resources Management, To the Sovereign State'....
Mining activities of PT Freeport McMoran Indonesia (Freeport) in Papua, which began in 1967 until now has lasted for 42 years. During this time, business and economic activities Freeport in Papua, has scored enormous financial advantage to foreign companies, however did not provide optimal benefit to the country, Papua, and local communities around the mining area.

From year to year, Freeport continue reaping huge profits from mining gold, silver, and copper in the world. Freeport officials continue to get the facilities, allowances and benefits which amount to one million times the annual income of the population of Timika, Papua. Freeport's profits do not necessarily bear prosperity for local people. Timika area as the fire conditions in the husk, there is no stable conditions that guarantee the future people of Papua.
Signing the Contract of Work (COW) I mining between the Indonesian government with Freeport in 1967, became the foundation for this company began to conduct mining activities. Not only that, KK is also the basis of preparation of the Mining Act No. 11/1967, which was passed in December 1967, eight months later after the signing of the KK.
As of March 1973, Freeport began open-pit mining in Ertsberg, who finished mined area in the 1980s and left a hole as deep as 360 meters. In 1988, Freeport began to dredge up other giant, Grasberg, which is still ongoing today. From the exploitation of these two regions, around 7.3 million tonnes of copper and 724, 7 million tonnes of their gold dredger. In July 2005, the Grasberg mine has reached the hole diameter of 2.4 kilometers in an area of 499 ha with the depth of 800m. An estimated 18 million tons of copper reserves, and 1430 tons of gold reserves is left up to the mine closure plan in 2041.
Freeport activities that take place in this long period has caused various problems, especially in terms of state revenue that is not optimal, the role of the state and SOEs to participate in managing the mine is very minimal and very significant environmental impact, damaging the landscape of mountains and Erstberg Grasberg. Environmental degradation has changed the landscape of an area of 166 square km in area streams Ajkwa.

Just Click Open Button... Freeport problems "For those of you who have not know Freeport"

Here's a special report written by the Chairman of the KPK-N (Rescue Committee for State Property), Marwan Coal. This special report he presented in a book entitled 'Sue Natural Resources Management, To the Sovereign State'.
Freeport manages the world's largest mines in various countries, that includes 50% of gold reserves in the Indonesian archipelago. However, as a result of the potential exploitation of the mine, only a small portion of revenues coming into state coffers with billions compared to U.S. $ gains by Freeport. Freeport's presence was not able to improve the life of communities around the mining area, but contribute to the development of very large foreign companies.
In 1995 the new Freeport secara'resmi gold mine in Papua admitted. Previously, since 1973 until the year 1994, Freeport claimed only as a copper miner. The total volume of gold mined during the 21 years the public has never known, even by the Papuans. Working Committee of Freeport and several members of the House of Representatives Commission VII even suspect there has been manipulation of funds for the Freeport gold production potential. They suspect more than the estimated amount of 2.16 to 2.5 billion tons of gold. Parliament also did not believe the data content of the concentrate that is informed by Freeport unilaterally. Members of the House concluded that the state has been harmed over the past 30 years due to lack of serious oversight. Even the Ministry of Finance through the Directorate General Taxation and Customs admitted to not knowing exactly how much production follows Freeport acceptance.
On the other hand, poverty also took place in the Mimika region, the income is only about $ 132/tahun, in the year 2005. Welfare of Papuans did not automatically rise with the presence of Freeport terkerek existing in the area they live. In the area of Freeport's operations, most natives are under the poverty line and forced to live scavenge the remaining gold from waste Freeport. In addition to problems of economic inequality, Freeport's mining activities are also damaging the environment and caused massive human rights violations.
Timika even became home to a deadly disease like HIV / AIDS and the highest number of HIV / AIDS in Papua. The existence of Freeport is also leaving a problem of human rights violations associated with the actions of the Indonesian security forces in the past and present. Hundreds of people have become victims of gross human rights violations even die without clarity. Until now, none of the serious human rights violations are followed up by the government impressed even ignored.

Just Click Open Button... Freeport and the Impoverishment of Papua (for those of you who do not know the problem Freeport

Here's a special report written by the Chairman of the KPK-N (Rescue Committee for State Property), Marwan Coal. This special report he presented in a book entitled 'Sue Natural Resources Management, To the Sovereign State'.
Freeport's mining activities and the economy has scored financial gains for the company but not for local communities around the mining area. From year to year, Freeport continue reaping huge profits from mining gold, silver, and copper in the world. Freeport's main income is from operating mines in Indonesia (about 60%, Investors Daily, August 10, 2009). Every day nearly 700 thousand tons of material unloaded to produce 225 thousand tons of gold ore. This amount can be equated with the carrying capacity of 70 thousand trucks lined up along the 10 tons of Jakarta to Surabaya (700 km long).
Freeport officials get the facilities, allowances and benefits which amount to one million times the annual income of residents of Timika, Papua. Freeport's profits do not necessarily bear prosperity for local people. On the other hand, the state also experienced losses due to Freeport's profits into the state treasury is very small compared to total profits enjoyed by Freeport.
The existence of Freeport does not contribute much to the people of Papua, Papua's development even considered failed. The failure of development in Papua can be seen from the poor figures on human welfare Mimika District. Mimika District residents, the location where Freeport is located, consisting of 35% and 65% indigenous migrants. In 2002, BPS noted about 41 percent of the population of Papua in poor condition, with original composition of 60% of the population and the remaining settlers. In 2005, the poverty of the people in the province of Papua, which reached 80.07% or 1.5 million people.
Almost all the poor people of Papua is a native of Papua. So the native Papuans who are poor are more than 66% and generally live in the central mountains, Frepoort CoW area. Head of the Central Bureau of Statistics Djarot Soesanto JA Papua province, released data on poverty in 2006, that half the population of Papua poor (47.99%).
On the other hand, local government revenues of Papua thus dependent on the mining sector. Since the year 1975-2002 as much as 50% more GDP of Papua from tax payments, royalties and profit sharing from non-renewable natural resources, including oil and gas companies. Dependence means that the local revenue from the extractive sector will create a chronic dependency and vulnerability for the region of Papua.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of West Papua was ranked third of 30 of the Indonesian province in 2005. However Manusi Development Index (HDI) of Papua, which is expressed with a high mortality rate of pregnant women and infants due to malnutrition problems are at number 29. Even worse, pockets of poverty are located in the Freeport concession area.
In addition, the Freeport mine site on a mountain top located at an altitude of 4270 meters, the lowest temperature reaches 2 degrees Celsius. Refinery processing is at 3000 m altitude, rainfall in the area of knowledge 4000-5000 mm, while the foothills receive higher annual rainfall, 12 100 mm and temperatures range from 18-30 degrees Celsius. With these natural conditions, the area under the Freeport area has a high vulnerability to landslides. On October 9, 2003, landslides occurred in the south of the Grasberg open pit area, killing 13 people employees of Freeport. Walhi release landslide occurred due to lack of concern for the environment Freeport. In fact, they know the Grasberg mine is the disaster prone areas due to topography and high rainfall areas. Breakdown of tailings dams at Lake Wanagon shelter in 2000, causing the deaths of four workers employed by sub-contractors Freeport. Landslide occurred at the Grasberg mine site on Thursday, October 9, 2003.

Just Click Open Button... Socio-Economic Chronology of Freeport (for those of you who just knew that the Freeport)

Here's a special report written by the Chairman of the KPK-N (Rescue Committee for State Property), Marwan Coal. This special report he presented in a book entitled 'Sue Natural Resources Management, To the Sovereign State'.
Business and economic activities of Freeport in West Papua over the years, not just print the financial gains for these companies but also ignited the emergence of social problems. Currently no solution is considered effective in progress and the problems that arise at any time has the potential to explode. Submitted the following chronology of the socio-economic aspects of Freeport's operations:
February 16, 1623.
Captain January Carstensz, a Dutch sailor, saw the highest mountain peak in New Guinea, and noted in his log book. This is the first record about Peak Carstenz foreigners and later became operational area of PT Freeport Indonesia.
23 November 1936.
Colijn expedition and Jean Jacquez Dozy from the Netherlands, managed to reach the Carstenz. They later collect rock samples.
Geologist Dr. C. Shouten Carstenz concluded that the area contains copper and gold. Since then the name Ertsberg (ore mountains) used to call the region's highest in New Guinea. Trail expeditions conducted in June 1960, led by Forbes Wilson and Flint-based Del-Colijn report along with geological mapping.
March 1966.
Soeharto and his New Order government began to boost inflows of foreign capital with a variety of new deregulation. Prof. M. Sadli, Minister of Mines, announced it is awarding the concession to Freeport Mc Moran in Irian, with the reason they're the only one who first asked for concessions in the region.
June 1966.
Freeport team came to Jakarta to initiate a conversation to realize the mining contract in Ertsberg. The person selected as a negotiator and later became president Freeport Indonesia (FI) was Ali Budiardjo, the former secretary general of the Defense and director of the National Planning Board in the 1950s.
5 April 1967.
Employment contract (KK) I signed and make Freeport became the only company appointed to handle Ertsberg area covering 10 square kilometers. KK I are 30 years old. Otherwise the contract shall come into force when the company began to operate. In December, Ertsberg exploration begins.
December 1969.
Project feasibility study is completed and approved. May 1970, construction began to do the whole project. FCX engineering technology in remote areas of the highest in Southeast Asia was invited click amazed separate because the degree of difficulty is very high.
December 1972.
Shipment of 10,000 tons of copper from the mines Ertsberg performed for the first time to Japan.
March 1973.
President Soeharto review Freeport's operation area and provides the name for the new city Freeport Tembagapura.
Throughout 1972 to 1973 occurred a few fights that resulted in the killing of employees of Freeport, to force them to create a "January Agreement" with the Wa-Amungme villagers to build schools and other public facilities.
July 1976
The Indonesian government get a share capital amounting to 8.5% of the shares of Freeport. This figure is up to 1998 survive in the level of 10 percent and one percent royalty.
April 1981.
Start the East Ertsberg FI mined and production reached 16 000 tons per day before the Grasberg reserves found.
January 28, 1988.
Suspicion of the gold deposit at Grasberg area showed positive results. Freeport Mc Moran Copper and Gold (FCX), finally went public on the New York Stock Exchange floor. According to Yuli Ismartono-FI public relations officials-every day of the year 1988 approximately two million shares of FCX sold.
With the addition of gold reserves at Grasberg and other reserves, the total amount of deposit is estimated to reach 200 million tons. In the environmental evaluation study report (SEL) 160 K, which was approved in 1994, total deposits have increased by up to two billion tonnes.
December 30, 1991.
I ended and the Freeport COW regain KK II for 30 years. For many, KK II took place not transparent, even closed. Strangely, the government offered to increase its stated are not interested, even though this company is clearly beneficial. From that point on, come on national entrepreneurs Bakrie (Bakrie Group). "We've offered, but only Bakrie who came," said James Moffett, Freeport Chairman pleasantries. Chairman. Recently signed Bob Hasan (Nusamba), which is known as a crony of Soeharto, Soeharto's cabinet and the MOM, Abdul Latief (A Latief Corp.)
22 August to 15 September 1995
National Human Rights Commission investigating human rights violations that occurred in Timika and surrounding areas. Conclusion The Commission's investigation team members, reveal that during 1993-1995 there have been six types of human rights violations, which resulted in 16 residents were killed and four people remain missing. Violation of this is done either by the security forces and party FI Indonesian army.
January 17, 1996
In a reply letter to the editor of American Statement, Ralph Haurwitz, Information Attache of the United States Embassy in Jakarta, Craig J. Stromme said that was not found credible evidence of alleged human rights violations by Freeport in Irian Jaya.
29 April 1966
Tom Beanal lawsuit, Chairman of Indigenous Institutions Amungme (Lemasa) registered in the courts of Louisiana, the headquarters of FCX, with case no.96-1474. Later, the lawsuit was dismissed and the court declared the Freeport not proved to have violated human rights.
June 29, 1996
Lemasa refused to fund a 1 percent gain Freeport (the U.S. $ 15 million) is planned to be given to tribes in the area of Freeport's operations. The rejection also came from the local church.
30 September 1997
Environment Minister Sarwono Kusumaatmadja, through Bapedal, finished examining and approving the Regional EIA report for the expansion of mining activities and increased production capacity Freeport to 300 000 tons per day. But Walhi who participated in the commission disagreed stating: "The atmosphere was thick with the smell of meeting the political, while many members of the commission actually disagree with that expansion, but was powerless to refuse," said Emmy Hafid, Director of WALHI.
March 11, 1998
United Development Party (PPP), in a general view on the General Session in 1998, openly called the division of profits between Freeport and the Indonesian government is one of the contract which is very detrimental to the state and people of Indonesia.
5 November 1998
Director of PT Freeport Indonesia, Jim "bob" Moffett came to the Attorney General (AGO) to explain allegations of corruption at the Freeport, including the extension of the closed KK II and alleged corruption ridden. "There is no corruption at the Freeport, and unfair if you asked me to also take care of the division of profits. I am not a government, "said Jim Moffett in his press conference after meeting the AGO.
Year 2002
One of the TNI's involvement in the case of a bus attack in Timika, Freeport employees
September 2008
Shrink Freeport copper and gold production target of 2008 this year because there are technical problems at the Grasberg mine, Papua. Initially, Freeport peg 1.2 billion pounds of copper production and 1.3 million ounces of gold. Because of this disruption, the production made more a mini, 1.1 billion pounds of copper and 1.1 million ounc gold.
December 11, 2008
Freeport fired 75 employees, Freeport efficiency in the number of employees to reduce operating costs the company little, as the impact of world economic recession.
July 27, 2009
Two Employees Freeport became a suspect case of the shooting. Police set seven suspect cases related to the shooting in Freeport, Timika, Papua Province. Two of the seven suspects are employees of Freeport. After seven years of operation, social and economic conflicts arise between Freeport and the indigenous peoples around the mining area. Year 1974, which dwells Amungme around the Freeport mine demanding they pay compensation to the related deforestation hunting tribe. Freeport agreed that the demands, as outlined in the January 1974 Agreement.
In February 1978 shooting of a police officer occur Indonesia. This incident was not caused by Freeport's fulfillment of all promises contained in the January Agreement. Until 1978, the Freeport did not meet all the promises in the agreement.
On August 31, 2002, there were attacks against several employees of the Freeport mine in Timika, Tembagapura, in lines 62-63 Mil. This Insden which killed two Americans and Ricky Saipar Bargon TID and an Indonesian citizen named SS Bambang Riwanto.
Carrying as many as 13 people perpetrators of the shooting, three of these actors are members of the Special Forces Command (Kopassus), namely Captain Mark, First Lieutenant Wawan Suwandi, Pfc One Jufri Uswanas.
Almost all cases of human rights violations related to the Freeport mine is not clear solution. The perpetrators of these human rights crimes are generally not found or get protection so that escape from the snares of law. Justice for victims of human rights violation cases Freeport seems indeed an absurd thing.

Just Click Open Button... Freeport Infrastructure Projects

In 1995, there were four infrastructure projects that began to be built by Freeport in West Papua, namely:
1. Amamapare port development, from which gold and copper concentrates are exported or later diantarpulaukan.
2. Construction of a new city.
3. Construction of power plants for gold and copper mine new, Grasberg, aka the Eastern Ore Mountains.
4. Timika airport development. The whole project was coordinated by PT A Latief Freeport Infrastructure Corporation (AFIC), which is 67 percent owned by the group A. Latief and the remaining 33 percent by Freeport
The first project worth U.S. $ 100 million handled PT ALatief P & O Port Development Company (APPDC), joint venture company between ALatief Nusakarya Corporation with sea transport carrier P & O Australia Ltd.. By agreement of both parties in mid-May 1995, the company had obtained rights to manage ports Amamapare for 10 years and can be extended.
The second project worth U.S. $ 250 million, directly dealt with AFIC. Soeharto inaugurated a new city in early December 1995 with the name of Kuala Kencana was standing at an altitude of 4200 meters above sea level, covering 17 400 hectares. Sake, comfort the capitalists, bureaucrats, and the capitalist-bureaucrats, the town is equipped tournament class golf courses designed U.S. golfer Ben Crenshaw.
Shortly thereafter, Freeport Tembagapura move perkantorannya of Soeharto inaugurated 23 years before that only 1200 built to the capacity of the soul to Kuala Kencana. Meanwhile, Kuala Kencana itself was built with a capacity of 25 000 inhabitants, is very broad to accommodate employees who have reached 12 000 Freeport soul.
Meanwhile, the three projects are handled PT Puncakjaya Power Corporation, a joint venture between Freeport (30%), Link Power Corporation (30%), Duke of U.S. Energy (30%), and PT Catur Yasa (10%).
A fourth project, implemented in June 1995 addressed Page Airfast Aviation Facilities Company (AVCO), which is 45% owned of PT Airfast Indonesia, 30% by PT Giga Haksa a subsidiary of Catur Yasa, and 25% by Freeport.
Projects that the total investment reached U.S. $ 50 million (then deducting USD 125 billion), consisting of the construction of an integrated airport area complete with all support facilities, and procurement of three Twin Otter aircraft, two Boeing B 737-200 aircraft and seven helicopters.


Andrew said...

Freeport McMoRan did not exist in the 1960s; the company making the deals with the Generals was Freeport Sulphur, which was a company of the Rockefeller family and Robert Abercrombie Lovett - the architect of the Cold-War from which Freeport made a lot of money.

Standard Oil (the Rockerfellers) in 1935 purchased 60% of the Dutch company NNGPM exploring Papua for ant mineral wealth. Jean Dozy discovered and evaluated the extent of the gold & copper deposits in 1936; but this information was concealed from the governments.

In March 1959 the New York Times revealed the Papuan Mines Office was looking for the mountain river which was the source of gold in the Arafura Sea. The Rockefellers told Lovett, and by August 1959 their company Freeport was trying to establish a claim that it had discovered the gold & copper.

Meanwhile back in Washington DC, Lovett in December 1960 told President-elect Kennedy to appoint Lovett's friend McGeorge Bundy as the US National Security Adviser. Then after the national elections in Dutch Papua and the opening of the New Guinea Council, Bundy began a campaign tell Kennedy that Indonesia would become a communist State unless the US forced the Netherlands to trade the people of West Papua to Indonesia.

Yes, slavery was illegal, and so was the trading of colonies; but, the US told the other members of the UN that it was a Cold-War sacrifice to save them from the spread of communism. So the world looked the other way while the government and lands were traded in the New York Agreement.

Ser Artan said...

thanks for comment...


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