Terence Jay - One Blood lyrics

In the far away fires, Where the hills forever burn, At the feet of our heroes, We try hard to learn, But the lesson is lost there, In the smoke and the mud, That we are one flesh, one breath, one life, one blood...
I stood by the river , That ran red with shame, I stood in the killing fields, Where death had no name, I stood with my brothers, And away it flood, And we were one flesh, one breath, one life, one blood...

Then I felt to the ground , Tasted ashes on my tongue, Thinking that only the dead, Are forever young...There was peace in the twilight , And for a moment among, It was a world without danger, A world without war, And I will take all your suffering, It will do any good, Cause we are one flesh, one breath, one life, one blood...



"Black-Pearl From The East"
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